
Tortilla Pizza

Usually when Dave and I make pizza, we get the fresh dough from the supermarket or local deli and rock the pizza stone.  Of course, the result is always delicious (especially when we add the cornmeal underneath the crust...love that!).  

However, if we are short on time, this recipe is a great stand in!  Made with flour tortillas and cooked in a cast iron skillet, the total preparation AND cook time goes down to about 10 minutes.

Last night - Super Bowl Sunday - we made 2 varieties of this tortilla pizza (and no, we did not watch the game).  Dave made the point that caramelizing onions defeated the whole "quick and easy" idea, but it was tasty nonetheless.  

Large flour tortillas
Pizza stuff (sauce, cheese, toppings, etc)


  • Preheat the broiler
  • On the stove top, heat a small amount of oil in a cast iron pan, over high heat until it starts to shimmer.

  • Once hot, drop the heat to low and spread around the oil with a paper towel, absorbing any excess.

  • Place a tortilla in the pan, with the small bubbles facing down

In the pic above, the small bubbles are on the left, and the large bubbles are on the right.

The large bubbles should be facing up.

  • Add your toppings!  Our first pizza used pizza sauce, with mozzarella and Pecorino Romano cheeses.  We also threw on some hot pepper flakes.

  • By this point, the cheese will start to melt and the bottom will crisp up a bit.  Now it's time for the broiler!

  • Cook under the broiler for about 1-3 minutes.  Ours were done in 1 min 30 seconds.

The pizza ends up so crispy that you can hold the whole thing without it flopping over!!

Our second variety uses this awesome fig jam we picked up at Wegman's:

I caramelized some onions...

...then deglazed the pan with beer:

 I spread a thin layer of the fig jam onto the tortilla, followed by the onions and cheeses.  This one was a little sweet for me, but Dave loved it!

Pizza Hats

Large flour tortillas
Pizza stuff (sauce, cheese, toppings, etc)

  1. Preheat the broiler 
  2. On the stove top, heat a small amount of oil in a cast iron pan, over high heat until it starts to shimmer. Once hot, drop the heat to low and spread around the oil with a paper towel, absorbing any excess. 
  3. Place a tortilla in the pan, with the small bubbles facing down 
  4. Add your sauce and toppings. 
  5. Cook under the broiler for about 1-3 minutes. Check it to make sure it doesn't burn!


Awesome Granola Bars

Dave and I used to buy granola bars all the time, but sadly they were never 100% satisfying.  I have always wanted to try to make my own, but I thought it wouldn't be worth the effort.   I was wrong!! :)

8 ounces old-fashioned rolled oats (approx. 2 cups) 
1 1/2 ounces raw sunflower seeds (approx. 1/2 cup)
3 ounces sliced almonds  (approx. 1 cup)
1 1/2 ounces wheat germ  (approx. 1/2 cup) 
6 ounces honey  (approx. 1/2 cup) 
1 3/4 ounces dark brown sugar  (approx. 1/4 cup packed)
1 ounce unsalted butter, plus extra for pan 
2 teaspoons vanilla bean paste
1/2 teaspoon kosher salt 
toppings, such as chocolate or shaved coconut


  • Cut parchment paper to fit a 9"x13" baking dish, and rub on a thin layer of butter. (We used a smaller dish, and thought the bars came out too thick. Next time we will use the 9"x13")
  • Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. 
  • Mix the oats, sunflower seeds, almonds, and wheat germ together, and spread out on a sheet pan. Toast for 15 minutes, making sure to stir the mixture occasionally. 

  • Combine the honey, brown sugar, butter, vanilla bean paste, and salt in a saucepan over medium heat. Cook until the sugar has dissolved. 

  • Reduce the heat to 300 degrees F. 
  • Combine the oat mixture with the liquid mixture, and spread out in prepared baking dish (press firmly).  Sprinkle any other additional ingredients on top  

  • Bake for 25 minutes.

  • Remove from the oven and allow to cool completely. Cut into squares while it is still a bit warm.

We stored the granola bars in a plastic container, and enjoyed them all week.  Since they were so thick, it was a little hard to bite through them, so we warmed them up in the microwave for about 15 seconds.  I think if we use the bigger pan next time, we won't have that issue!

8 ounces old-fashioned rolled oats (approx. 2 cups) 
1 1/2 ounces raw sunflower seeds (approx. 1/2 cup)
3 ounces sliced almonds  (approx. 1 cup)
1 1/2 ounces wheat germ  (approx. 1/2 cup) 
6 ounces honey  (approx. 1/2 cup) 
1 3/4 ounces dark brown sugar  (approx. 1/4 cup packed)
1 ounce unsalted butter, plus extra for pan 
2 teaspoons vanilla bean paste
1/2 teaspoon kosher salt 
toppings, such as chocolate or shaved coconut

  1. Cut parchment paper to fit a 9"x13" baking dish, and rub on a thin layer of butter. (We used a smaller dish, and thought the bars came out too thick. Next time we will use the 9"x13")
  2. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. 
  3. Mix the oats, sunflower seeds, almonds, and wheat germ together, and spread out on a sheet pan. Toast for 15 minutes, making sure to stir the mixture occasionally. 
  4. Combine the honey, brown sugar, butter, vanilla bean paste, and salt in a saucepan over medium heat. Cook until the sugar has dissolved. 
  5. Reduce the heat to 300 degrees F. 
  6. Combine the oat mixture with the liquid mixture, and spread out in prepared baking dish (press firmly).  Sprinkle any other additional ingredients on top  
  7. Bake for 25 minutes.
  8. Remove from the oven and allow to cool completely. Cut into squares while it is still a bit warm.

Adapted from Alton Brown


Cinnamon Syrup

I don't often go to Starbucks, but when I do, I usually get a Cinnamon Dolce Latte.  The only problem is that it is SUPER sweet.  I learned (by speaking with my local barista) that a "tall" size uses 3 pumps of syrup.  I ordered 2 pumps, and it was still too sweet, so now I go with one pump. 

The only problem with one pump is that I lose out on some cinnamon flavor!  The other day I set out to make a syrup with a reaaaaaaaly strong cinnamon flavor.  I think I've succeeded!

Just over 1 c water
1/2 c brown sugar
1/2 c white sugar
1 cinnamon stick
1 tbs cinnamon

  • Pour water into a small saucepan and add a cinnamon stick.  I used just over 1 cup because I was worried about losing some water while it boiled.

  • Heat to a boil, and allow it to boil until the water is infused with cinnamon- you'll be able to smell it!

  • Turn off the stove, and dump in your brown sugar...

  • ...and the white sugar.

  • Stir to combine, then bring back to a boil until all of the sugar is dissolved.

  • Turn off the heat, and add the powdered cinnamon.  Stir to combine

  • Allow to cool a bit, then transfer to a glass container- I used this cute blue jar that Dave bought for me! :)

I shake this up before using, in case the powdered cinnamon settles.  Other than using it for coffee, can you think of any more uses for this syrup?  If so, please leave a comment!

Just over 1 c water
1/2 c brown sugar
1/2 c white sugar
1 cinnamon stick
1 tbs cinnamon

  1. Pour water into a small saucepan and add a cinnamon stick.
  2. Heat to a boil, and allow it to boil until the water is infused with cinnamon- you'll be able to smell it!
  3. Turn off the stove, and add the white and brown sugar.
  4. Stir to combine, then bring back to a boil until all of the sugar is dissolved.
  5. Turn off the heat, and add the powdered cinnamon.
  6. Stir to combine.
  7. Allow to cool a bit, then transfer to a glass container.

Spicy Chocolate Cinnamon Cookies

We already have a recipe for Mexican Hot Chocolate Cookies...chocolate, cinnamon, chili powder.  I have to admit- these cookies are similar, but different.  So of course I deemed them worthy to post!  For starters, the recipe is easier:  no sifting, and no rolling the dough into individual balls.  Secondly, these cookies have chocolate chips.  Hooray for that! :)
1 stick (1/2 cup) unsalted butter, softened
1 cup dark brown sugar
2 eggs
1 tbsp vanilla bean paste (if you don't have that, vanilla extract will work)
2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp kosher salt
¼ tsp cayenne pepper
½ tsp cinnamon
½ cup cocoa powder (I used Hershey’s Specialty Dark Chocolate- dutch process would be great too)
1¼ cup all-purpose flour
1 cup chocolate chips (I used mini)
  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  • In an amazing Kitchenaid mixer that you love so much, cream together softened butter and brown sugar.

  • Add eggs and vanilla bean paste, and mix until well combined.
  •  Whisk together baking powder, salt, cayenne pepper, cinnamon, cocoa powder, and flour. I like to put them on a big sheet of waxed paper and whisk them together like that.  Makes it easier to add to the mixer!

 (Not labeled: the flour.  I promise it's under there!)
  • Slowly mix in the dry ingredients, with the mixer on the lowest speed.  Do you see how easy the waxed paper makes it to incorporate the dry ingredients?!

  • Fold in the chocolate chips.  (yes- I know there's less than a cup of chips there.  I ate a small handful before starting to bake, and apparently there was not enough left!)

  • Scoop dough onto cookie sheets lined with parchment paper.  Here's the scoop I used- I don't remember the size measurements, but this pic should help:

  • Bake for 8-10 minutes, and cool on cookie racks. For one sheet of cookies, I flattened the ball.  The other sheet was cooked how you see the dough in the pic above- those created the puffy cookies.   I think I like the flat ones better.

Aww, pretty :)

1 stick (1/2 cup) unsalted butter, softened
1 cup dark brown sugar
2 eggs
1 tbsp vanilla bean paste (if you don't have that, vanilla extract will work)
2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp kosher salt
¼ tsp cayenne pepper
½ tsp cinnamon
½ cup cocoa powder (I used Hershey’s Specialty Dark Chocolate- dutch process would be great too)
1¼ cup all-purpose flour
1 cup chocolate chips (I used mini)
  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  2. Cream together softened butter and brown sugar. 
  3. Add eggs and vanilla bean paste, and mix until well combined. 
  4. Whisk together baking powder, salt, cayenne pepper, cinnamon, cocoa powder, and flour.
  5. Slowly mix in the dry ingredients, with the mixer on the lowest speed.
  6. Fold in the chocolate chips.
  7. Scoop dough onto cookie sheets lined with parchment paper.
  8. Bake for 8-10 minutes, and cool on cookie racks.
Recipe adapted from Baker Bettie