
Piattini Wine Cafe

(yep- conveniently located under the Tanorama)

I can't count this as a food crawl, since we only went to one place :)  On July 22nd, Dave and I and the Fritzs went out for a quick bite.

226 Newbury Street, Boston, MA 02116

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Considering we went to a wine cafe, it's a little surprising that Matt was the only one who got wine:

Below is the Piattini Antipasto.  Prosciutto di Parma, marinated vegetables, and assorted cheeses:
(half eaten- we were so hungry that I forgot to take a pic right away!)

I actually forgot what this sandwich is...possibly the caprese panini?  (This is what I get for posting about the food 5 months after we had it!)

Dave and I enjoyed the spinach gnocchi with tomatoes and a pesto cream sauce.  It was soooo creamy!

All in all, it was a good time!

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