
Spaghetti Squash with Tomato Sauce

This was a meal I whipped together the other night, and it was so delicious! I know that my recipe for the sauce in no way even comes close to competing with the tomato sauce that mom/grandma/Matt makes. Buuuut it was quick and easy.  I like that!

Since this was thrown together on the fly, I'll do my best to write down the ingredient amounts...

1 spaghetti squash
28 oz can Whole San Marzano Tomatoes
3-4 cloves garlic
1 onion (I used a red onion, because that's what we had)
Basil (fresh would of course be better, but all I had was dried)
a bit of olive oil, salt and pepper

  1.  Roast the spaghetti squash. I cut mine in half, placed it in a shallow dish with about a half inch of water, and cooked it for about 35-40 minutes in a 450 degree oven.  That did the trick!  Scrape the spaghetti squash with a fork and use tongs to remove and put into a separate bowl.
  2. While the squash is roasting, chop the onion and garlic.  I was crying profusely from the onion (usually I make Dave deal with onions, but he wasn't home) so I only had about 4/5 of it chopped.  
  3. Heat a pot with some oil (I used our Le Crueset) and saute the garlic and onions until soft. 
  4. Add the entire contents of the tomato can to the pot, and use a spoon to break up some of the tomatoes. Throw in some basil, and season with salt and pepper.
  5. Reduce heat to medium, put on the lid, and cook for about 20 minutes.
  6. Once the sauce has finished cooking, taste to see if it needs anything else, then lightly puree with an immersion blender. Make sure to leave big chunks!  Those are awesome :)
  7. Serve the sauce over the cooked spaghetti squash.
This made 3 good sized servings. Since I tagged it as "healthy," I figured I should share the nutrition info per serving:

Calories: 178
Fat: 8g (from the olive oil used to saute)
Sodium: 90mg
Carbs: 23g
Protien: 3g
Sugars: 8g (mostly from the squash)

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